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Safeguarding Workshop - Barbados

Safeguarding: Policy and Practice

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Delivering a Safeguarding Workshop on Behalf of the Barbados Wrestling Association I was invited to Barbados by Rollins Alleyne, President of the Barbados Wrestling Association, to deliver a safeguarding workshop. The President maximised the visit by scheduling a number of meetings with a view to formalising the partnership between the two federations. I started the visit with a meeting with the Minister of Sport. This meeting was also attended by the Coach of a wrestling club, a promising athlete and… Read More »Safeguarding: Policy and Practice

Railton Road Street Furniture Co-Design

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In May 2022, I had the privilege of facilitating 4 co-design sessions for street furniture on Railton and Atlantic roads in Lambeth. The project brief was simple – design and build seating and cycle parking stands for Railton Road. The non-negotiables were that the designs needed to be informed by local people and the end product needed to be delivered by a local business. For Lambeth Council this wasn’t simply about installing a couple of seats, this was about providing… Read More »Railton Road Street Furniture Co-Design

Lambeth Council’s Kerbside Strategy Launch

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On 31 January, 2023 I was invited to take part in the launch of the Lambeth’s Kerbside Strategy at Lambeth Town Hall. The Kerbside Strategy is comprised of four priorities which are designed to improve the overall environment – socially and environmentally: Priority 1 – enable accessible and active travel Priority 2 – create social spaces Priority 3 – increase climate resilience Priority 4 – reduce traffic and emissions The launch started with a word from Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, before… Read More »Lambeth Council’s Kerbside Strategy Launch

Not That Ordinary

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The other day some colleagues and I were discussing the challenge of green washing and the difficulties consumers face when they are trying to determine if a brand is genuine in their sustainability efforts or not. As we discussed the different schemes and pledges that businesses can affiliate with to demonstrate their sustainability the one brand that came to my mind as an example of good practice was The Ordinary. For those that don’t know The Ordinary has been taking… Read More »Not That Ordinary

But Where Are You Really From? (A Different Perspective)

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The now infamous exchange between Ngozi Fulani and Lady Hussey has elicited some interesting discussion and discourse about why pressing for information regarding one’s cultural background has uncomfortable undertones depending on which side of the questioning you are on. All of the arguments I have heard and read regarding the offensiveness of the question are centred around race and the position of the interrogator and the interrogated. Or in other words, the host citizen and the modern citizen. All of… Read More »But Where Are You Really From? (A Different Perspective)

BIAS – Exploring the Impact of Bias in Research

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The topic of implicit bias gained significant traction over the past few years and a lot of work to address this seems to be linked to commercial sector and business performance. There are other sectors, however. where implicit bias could have negative implications and research is one of them. Research underpins key messages to the general public which informs decisions on health, finances and even our consumption of the arts so gaining a better understanding of implicit bias goes beyond… Read More »BIAS – Exploring the Impact of Bias in Research

Ducks in the Debris

Plastic Pollution in my Local Lake I know that plastic has been a issue for a while, but I recently saw a stark reminder of how much our disposable culture affects the environment. On a recent visit to the park for a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air, I noticed some plastic bags in the water – not far from the ducks I was admiring. There was something very unsettling about seeing these animals swim among debris,… Read More »Ducks in the Debris

natural deodorant

What do Natural Deodorant and Electric Vehicles Have in Common?

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A few months ago I took another leap of faith into the world of natural deodorants. I say ‘another’ because I’ve tried this leap a few times before but always backpedalled to my ‘normal’ deodorant before long. I’ve tried the deodorant crystal that you wet before applying. While it was cute and made me feel very earthy, I found it too fiddly to incorporate into my daily routine. Plus, I never had complete faith in its ability and subsequently never… Read More »What do Natural Deodorant and Electric Vehicles Have in Common?

3MT 2020

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What is a 3MT Three Minute Thesis (3MT) challenges doctoral candidates to present a compelling spoken presentation on their research topic and its significance in just three minutes. The University of East London’s 3MT competition took place on Wednesday 3 June, 2020 via Teams. Having earned a 1st runner up position in the 2018 competition, I decided to throw my hat into the ring one last time. Although I was unsuccessful this time, participating really helped me to stand back… Read More »3MT 2020

Oxford EV Summit

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I was more than halfway through my first year as  PhD student when I attended this conference and felt certain that I had my research in the bag. The Summit was held in a great location at Oxford University, the speakers were interesting and covered a broad variety of EV related topics and the conference organisers made networking a priority with regular networking breaks and networking facilitators to help you locate people you were hoping to speak to. There were… Read More »Oxford EV Summit